A help up, not a hand out
A help up, not a hand out.
We bring people living in poverty together through community savings and loans groups, teaching them how to save and loan their own money as a group, and empowering them to start income-generating activities and small businesses.
How can I be epic too?

We empower people to overcome poverty in a sustainable way through savings and loans projects. Our projects bring long-term positive change to the lives of the poorest communities in the world.

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Our Goals


To create education


To make healthcare
easily accessible


To create equitable and accessible
financial services


To enable personal, family and
community economic growth

Food security & sustainability

To increase food security for
families and communities - so no
child or family goes hungry.


This Is EPIC was founded in Guernsey, and this continues to be its home. We have projects in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Our partners work with their local communities to implement and develop the VSL projects. Our local partners bring awareness of the VSL methodology through meetings with local leaders and the whole community.

Picture of partner talk in process

Our work in

We have been working with our DRC partner ‘ACTORS’ since 2014 to help vulnerable people rise from poverty through financial inclusion. With more than 70% of the population living in poverty, VSL groups are needed more than ever.

Our work in

This Is EPIC works closely with our Ugandan partner ‘READ’ to understand the needs of the local communities and develop projects which best meet those needs. The success of those projects has been demonstrated as the groups who continue to grow in confidence and develop new income-generating ideas as well as the development of a number of community projects, including farmer field schools, co-operatives and new schools.

Uganda partner meeting in process

Our projects bringlong-term positive change to the lives of the poorest communities in the world.

No. Of
Loans given
loan value
Picture of two happy children
Picture of Mariam

Success Stories

Meet Mariam

Mariam, formerly running a small shop from a costly rented stall, faced challenges in stocking goods.

With a loan from her VSL group and savings, she established her own shop, now selling a variety of items like fish, tomatoes, onions, cabbages, red peppers, coal, and firewood.

Her vision extends to constructing rental properties for teachers on her land, aiming to secure income and foster community benefits, including educational consistency. She plans to save for this endeavour in the next cycle.

Edith success story picture

Success Stories

Meet edith

With a borrowed sum of UGX 100,000 from her Kagugo women’s group and a heart full of dreams, Edith planted sweet potatoes in April.

Edith's hard work and dedication bore fruit, literally. When harvest time came, she sold her produce and turned her small investment into a significant income of UGX 500,000.

With her earnings, Edith made strategic moves, investing in two goats for UGX 200,000 and constructing a sturdy pen. Her swift loan repayment underscores her dedication to her community. Freed from financial concerns, she ensures her family's well-being with access to food and medical care. Edith's aspirations for her farm are grand, aiming for prosperity that extends beyond herself to benefit her entire community.

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- edith - NAMIREME, uganda
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- edith - NAMIREME, uganda
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- edith - NAMIREME, uganda


Support - Download our partner pack PDF image

Download our
Partner pack

For more information about how you can support our work please download our partner pack


Our team

The team behind This Is EPIC is based in Guernsey and the UK with partners on the ground in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Together they help deliver maximum impact within the communities.

Profile Picture of Louise. Responsible for Projects and Partners for the charity
Projects and Partners
Profile Picture of Phillip. Responsible for fundraising and events for the charity
Fundraising and Events
Profile Picture of Warren. Responsible for fundraising and events for the charity
Fundraising and Events
Profile Picture of April. Responsible for Governance and Structure for the charity
Governance and Structure
Profile Picture of Adrine. Is a Ugandan local partner for the charity
Local Partner Uganda
Profile Picture of Bercky. Works for the charity as a Local partner for The Democratic Republic Of Congo
Local Partner DRC
Profile Picture of Stu. Responsible for Marketing and Comms for the charity
Stuart Harris
Marketing and Comms
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We operate with total transparency in terms of financial and operational management. We work with a team of chartered accountants who provide all our financial reporting requirements. We are also obligated to meet all of the regulations set by the Association of Guernsey Charities, including the latest charities ordinance in 2021.

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